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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySat Jun 23, 2018 11:38 pm by OnyxTech

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:48 pm by iNBA

» Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:27 pm by iNBA

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:11 pm by Stanley

Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:10 pm by Stanley

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:08 pm by Stanley

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:06 pm by Stanley

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 11:05 pm by Stanley

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 
Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote15Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_voti11Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 I_vote16 

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80

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Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80 Empty Tigers vs. Greats, Jeremiah Clark pours in 25 as Tigers take victory, 88-80

Post by iNBA Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:27 pm

The St. Louis Greats came up short against the Taylor Tigers competing in the their first ever head to head matchup. Jeremiah Clark led the Tigers to victory with 25 points and 14 rebounds. The game was close throughout, with the largest spread only being 11, but in the end, it was the Taylor Tigers who were victorious and continued their undefeated winning streak.

Taylor Tigers (88)
Jeremiah Clark: 25 PTS, 14 REB, 2 AST, 0 STLS, 1 BLK, 1 TO
11-16 FG, 0-0 3PT

Murray Neal: 22 PTS, 6 REB, 2 AST, 1 STLS, 1 BLK, 1 TO
10-13 FG, 0-0 3PT

Marcell Tryce: 12 PTS, 6 REB, 3 AST, 0 STLS, 1 BLK, 1 TO
4-12 FG, 2-5 3PT

St. Louis Greats (80)
Todd Taft: 17 PTS, 2 REB, 0 AST, 0 STLS, 0 BLK, 1 TO
6-15 FG, 3-7 3PT

Seth Holloway: 15 PTS, 1 REB, 3 AST, 1 STLS, 1 BLK, 1 TO
5-9 FG, 3-4 3PT

Harvey Wise: 12 PTS, 9 REB, 1 AST, 2 STLS, 0 BLK, 1 TO
6-10 FG, 0-0 3PT
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