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The LQ: What we know & How we can help

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The LQ: What we know & How we can help Empty The LQ: What we know & How we can help

Post by Shnaw Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:43 am

Alright users, the staff has thrown out one of the most crazy tests I've ever seen, but fear not because I'll break it down for you. I went through the test myself, and I can guarantee you one strategy to at least put you in a better position than nowhere.
First, i just tried Christmas tree-ing the test. I got no where: 9,7,11,10...

Second, and way better, I decided to pick one answer all the way through. The best ones to pick were 4 and D. By picking these two letters alone, you can set yourself up to at least achieve a score of 15. The two you should avoid at all costs are 3 and C. Now, I'm not telling you that they're not answers that are C and 3, because I bet they are, but it would be smart to choose those two sparingly, as for the most part they're not the correct answer.

As for now, that's the only tip I have, If i figure out anything else, I'll let you know.
Happy testing.
Ivy Group
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The LQ: What we know & How we can help Empty Re: The LQ: What we know & How we can help

Post by Simuel Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:16 pm

Sorry, but they've edited this test so many times that this has changed. However, your theory still stands. Picking D and 4 through the entire thing gives you a score of 28. It's up to you to get the rest.
Presteige III
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The LQ: What we know & How we can help Empty Re: The LQ: What we know & How we can help

Post by Teh Can Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:03 am

shit, we need help now! They done changed up on us.
Teh Can
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The LQ: What we know & How we can help Empty Re: The LQ: What we know & How we can help

Post by Shnaw Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:26 am

Teh Can wrote:shit, we need help now! They done changed up on us.
Unfortunately, there is no method anymore. They have randomized the questions, which wouldn't have been that bad but they randomized the answers as well. There is simply no way to predict anything at this point. The only hint is that there is in fact 10 answers that are "2" and 9 answers that are "1".
Paradox got a 41, it is possible to some degree. No perfects yet.
Ivy Group
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"I have no quote. To quote life would be an injustice.

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